Ivette Duran

Ivette is an NYC Native, daughter of immigrant Dominican Parents, and a first-generation College Graduate Professional. Ivette attended college on a full scholarship alongside having a mentor thanks to an afterschool program similar to Dandelions Are Flowers Too. Ms. Duran considers herself a prime example of "It is never too late to recreate yourself." She believes that people are their passions, and one is constantly pouring into someone else's cup in the Social Work field. Therefore one's cup must be overflowing.

Ivette has 12 years of experience working with individuals, families, and groups in various settings, including in-home management, community mental health, and developmental disabilities advocacy. Ivette is passionate about helping others to improve their lives and reach their full potential through direct support, networking, and resources. Yvette is currently a Program Director overseeing Residential Group Homes for adults in the Hudson Valley Region.

In addition to being a Program Director, Yvette has an online Wellness Coaching business. She guides others in creating goals, living a purposeful life, and being the best versions of themselves. Ivette believes everyone can make positive changes in their lives and community, and her privilege is to help facilitate that process with youth in need.